January: Cervical Health Awareness Month

According to the American Cancer Society, cervical cancer was once one of the most common causes of cancer death for American women. 

It happens a lot less often than it once did, but yes, it is still a threat to many women.

According to the ACS (American Cancer Society) roughly 4,250 people in the U.S. died from cervical cancer in the year 2019.

The primary reason that fewer individuals are dying of cervical cancer these days is an increase in the use of the Pap test.

Cervical cancer is more prevalent in less developed regions of the world. In 2018, around the world, approximately 311,000 individuals died from cervical cancer.

This type of cancer is curable, particularly when treated in the early stage.

Will the stage at diagnosis matter?

Absolutely. In general, the earlier cervical cancer is diagnosed, the better the results. This type of cancer usually grows slowly.

A Pap test is able to discover abnormal cells on a cervix before they grow cancerous. It’s referred to as carcinoma in situ or stage zero cervical cancer.

Removing those cells may assist in preventing cancer from initially developing.

General cervical cancer stages are:
  • Stage One: Cancer cells exist on the cervix and might’ve spread into the uterus.
  • Stage Two: Cancer has grown outside of the uterus and cervix. It has not spread to the bottom part of the vagina or the walls of the pelvis.
  • Stage Three: Cancer has spread to the pelvic wall, the bottom part of the vagina, or is impacting the kidneys.
  • Stage Four: Cancer has reached beyond the pelvis over to the bladder lining, the rectum, or to distant bones and organs.

The five-year relative rates of survival based on those diagnosed with cervical cancer from the years 2009 – 2015 include:

  • Localized (confined to uterus and cervix): 91.8%
  • Regional (reached beyond uterus and cervix to sites nearby): 56.3%
  • Distant (reached beyond the pelvis): 16.9%
  • Unknown: 49%

Is there anything you can do to prevent it?

There has been a substantial reduction in the fatality rate since the Pap test came onto the scene.

One important thing to do to prevent cancer includes getting routine Pap tests and checkups as advised by a doctor.

Other methods of lowering your risk involve:

  • asking the physician if you ought to receive the HPV vaccine
  • obtaining treatment if pre-cancerous cervical cells are discovered
  • having follow-up tests done when there’s a positive HPV test or an abnormal Pap test
  • quitting or avoiding, smoking

Are you or your loved one experiencing cervical cancer?

You may require some support and care at home because of cervical cancer or its treatment. At AmeriBest Home Care our home health care professionals are dedicated to providing high-quality comprehensive home health and personal care services to valued members of our community. A lot of emotional and practical support is available to you. We offer Philadelphia home care services in a dignified and respectful manner. Your home health care professional manages your healthcare while you’re in your home. They’ll help with all non-medical issues that arise. Please call us at 215-925-3313 to find out how we can help you or your loved one.

January: National Glaucoma Awareness Month

Glaucoma is a condition that damages the optic nerve of the eye. Usually, it happens once fluid accumulates in the front area of the eye. This additional fluid increases the eye’s pressure and damages the optic nerve.

Caregiving for someone with glaucoma

The following tips might help to promote eye health and control high eye pressure:

  • Consume a healthy diet. Consuming a healthy diet may help to maintain your health; however, it will not prevent glaucoma from growing worse. Several nutrients and vitamins are critical to eye health, which includes antioxidant vitamins A, E, and C; selenium; copper; and zinc.
  • Safely exercise. Routine exercise might decrease eye pressure within open-angle glaucoma. Speak with your physician about a suitable exercise plan.
  • Restrict your caffeine. Consuming beverages that have large quantities of caffeine might raise your eye pressure.
  • Frequently sip fluids. Only drink moderate quantities of fluids during any given time within the course of a day. Consuming one or more quarts of any liquid within a brief time might temporarily raise eye pressure.
  • Sleep with an elevated head. Utilizing a wedge pillow that keeps the head raised slightly, around twenty degrees, has been proven to decrease intraocular pressure when sleeping.
  • Take all prescribed medication. Using eye drops or other medicines as prescribed may help to obtain the best possible outcome from treatment. Be certain that you use the drops precisely as prescribed. Or else, the optic nerve damage in your eye might grow worse.

Glaucoma is a condition that damages the optic nerve of the eye. Usually, it happens once fluid accumulates in the front area of the eye.

Alternative medicine (discuss with your medical provider!)

A few alternative medicine approaches might help your health overall; however, none is an efficient remedy for glaucoma. Speak to your physician about their potential risks and benefits.

  • Herbal remedies. A few herbal supplements, like bilberry extract, have been claimed to be remedies for glaucoma. However, more studies are needed to show their effectiveness. Do not use herbal supplements in replacement for proven therapies.
  • Relaxation methods. Stress might trigger acute angle-closure glaucoma. If you are at risk of that condition, figure out some healthy ways to cope with your stress. Meditation and additional techniques might help.
  • Marijuana. Studies show that marijuana can lower eye pressure in those who have glaucoma, yet only for 3 – 4 hours. Other traditional treatments are more effective. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, marijuana is not recommended to treat glaucoma.

Are you or your loved one experiencing glaucoma?

Once you receive a glaucoma diagnosis, you are possibly facing long-term treatment, routine checkups to slow down and prevent vision loss as much as possible. You might need some care and support in your home because of glaucoma or its treatment. At AmeriBest Home Care our home care professionals are committed to offering quality comprehensive personal care services to valued members of our community. We offer Philadelphia home care services in a respectful and dignified manner. Your home care provider will help with every non-medical issue that arises. Also, they can help you follow your doctor’s orders. Call an AmeriBest home health care provider today at 215-925-3313 to find out how we can be of help to you or your loved one to stay independent at home!