When you’re busy being a caregiver, life can get a little hectic. Between house tasks, errands for your loved one, family matters, and career work, it can be hard to find a moment to breathe.
But for your own mental and physical health- it’s important to press pause, and take a moment to relax, and have a little fun. Before you tire out.
And what better way to do so, then sitting back in the comfort of your own home (maybe even with some popcorn and a drink) and watch a movie?
Though we often just think of movies as a silly means of entertainment, movies actually have the power to affect our moods and emotions in ways that can really help. Movies give us more to think about, stories to relate to, and characters to make us laugh with.
And there are movies for all types of occasions and moods.
Here are some great movies to add to your watch list, for all different occasions as a caregiver.
A little support…
Sometimes watching other caregiving stories can be just the antidote when you’re feeling down or alone. These three caregiving movies show us, that as caregivers, we are not alone. And that there are others who understand the stress and emotional toll caregivers go through.
Our heart-warming movie recommendations:
- The Theory of Everything
- Silver Linings Playbook
- Still Alice
Music for your loved ones…
It’s been known for a while that music actually has the ability to jog memories and physical reactions, particularly with patients of dementia and/or Alzheimer’s.
If you’re having a movie night with your senior, try something a little old and a little musical. If you know a movie they really loved as a child, give it a try! It might be just the thing to brighten their day.
Our musical-movie recommendations:
- Westside Story
- South Pacific
- Sound of Music
- The Music Man
- My Fair Lady
- Guys and Dolls
Something to lift your mood…
Comedy is an amazing thing. It’s able to make us roll with laughter, even when we weren’t in the greatest mood to start with. If there’s been some tension in the house, watching a comedy with the whole family, or just with your loved senior, could be the thing to relieve the strain.
Our comedy recommendations:
- The Princess Bride
- Ghost Busters
- Mrs. Doubtfire
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Something to inspire you…
Lastly, when you’re feeling a little stuck in the monotony of life’s daily chores- a movie with a heroic character or tale of perseverance can really be the thing to get you unstuck.
We all have peaks and dips in our productivity and motivation. And a good movie can help us out of a dip and back on the track we’re aiming for.
Our inspiration recommendations:
- A Beautiful Mind
- Forest Gump
- Dead Poets’ Society
- Good Will Hunting
- Life of Pi