It’s important to choose the home health services that you need, whether for yourself or for your senior loved one. With so many providers to choose from, how do you choose from the home health care agencies in Harrisburg, PA? Let’s look at what you should consider when choosing a provider for yourself or your loved one.
A Checklist of Questions
As you consider providers, it’s important to ask the right questions to help you judge their services. Here are some questions you should include in your checklist.
- How long has the provider been serving the community?
- Do they provide literature that explains their services, eligibility, cost, fees, and funding?
- Do they have a “Patient’s Bill of Rights” and what does it contain?
- Do they have an annual report for the public or other educational materials for the public to review?
- How do they select and train their employees?
- What credentials and certifications do they require of employees?
- Does it provide personnel policies, benefits, and malpractice insurance?
- How do they go about evaluating a patient’s needs? Who do they speak with to determine specific needs?
- Does the provider include the patient and family members in creating a care plan?
- How does the provider handle request to change the care plan?
- Do the patient and family receive a copy of the care plan?
- Are treatments and tasks documented?
- Do caregivers educate the patient and family members about the care being administered?
- Do supervisors oversee patient care? How often?
- Who can the patient or family contact with concerns, questions, or complaints?
- How does the provider resolve problems or follow up on concerns?
- What are the emergency procedures that caregivers follow?
- If necessary, are caregivers available 24/7?
- What are the financial procedures of the provider?
- Is there a statement explaining costs and fees provided to the patient and family?
- What are payment options?
- Does the agency provide education or guidance regarding financial and health care assistance?
- How does the agency ensure patient privacy and confidentiality?
- What references can the agency provide?
When you receive references, be sure to follow up on them. Ask them questions like,
- Do you frequently refer clients to this provider?
- Do you have a contractual relationship with the provider and do you require that they provide a certain quality of care?
- Have you received feedback from other patients about this provider and what kind of feedback did you receive?
Assessing Home Health Care Agencies in Harrisburg, PA
Once you’ve received answers to the questions on your checklist, it’s important to review them with your loved one, family, and their physician. Determine what questions are most important to the needs of your loved one. If you’re unhappy with the answers that you received, then the agency may not be the right choice for you. Interview multiple agencies to match the services and care they offer with what your loved one needs.
Looking for a Top-Rated Home Care in Harrisburg, PA?
If you’re looking for home health care for you or a loved one, contact us today. One of our program coordinators can discuss your needs and help you select the program and services that are right for you.