Affordable, quality home health care is important to aging at home and living independently. Community First Choice (CFC) was established under the State Plan as part of the Affordable Care Act of 2010. For Pennsylvania residents, it allows for seniors and people with disabilities to receive cost-effective community-based care. So let’s look at what community first choice does for Harrisburg residents.
What Is Community First Choice?
As part of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, Community First Choice provides funding for home and community-based care for people who meet the Medicaid criteria for institutional care. This allows them to live at home in their communities and saves money versus institution-based services.
Why Home and Community-Based Care Matters
The most important reason that home and community-based care is important to Harrisburg residents is because it is, overwhelmingly, what they want. Whether living with a disability or aging, people want to live independently, near their families and communities. Home and community-based care gives them that ability.
In addition, home and community care is less expensive than long-term care in a public or private institution. Per recipient, the state of Pennsylvania saves about $30,000 annually with home-based care over nursing homes.
What Services Are Included in Home and Community-Based Care?
For seniors who qualify for home and community-based care, AmeriBest Home Care provides a wide variety of services to meet their daily needs. These services include,
- Transportation/ escort services
- Social services/ case management
- Nutritional counseling/ education
- Personal care
- Homemaker chore services
- Home delivered meals
Do You Qualify for Home and Community-Based Services?
The state of Pennsylvania offers 12 Home and Community-Based Services to meet the needs of seniors and those with disabilities. At AmeriBest, we can educate you on eligibility requirements and assist you with follow-ups until you are approved.
Are You Looking for Home Health Care in Harrisburg, PA?
If you’re looking for home health care for you or a loved one, contact us today.
One of our program coordinators can discuss your needs and help you select the program and services right for you!