Caring for seniors comes with its share of challenges. In addition to personal sacrifice, you must consider that some seniors are concerned about their dignity. They fear losing their independence and may feel they are being treated like a child. Fortunately, there are ways to provide help for seniors in Philadelphia and support aging with dignity. Here are a few ideas.
Encourage Your Loved One to Stay Active in Their Community
Seniors feel more dignified and vital if they stay active in community events. Encourage them to volunteer with local nonprofits. Recommend rec centers that offer classes that provide social activities for seniors.
Have Your Senior Take Charge Of How They Want to Age
Discuss healthcare treatments with your loved one to ensure they are cared for according to their wishes. Have them fill out an advance directive to be shared with their doctor and family member.
An advance directive is a written statement that documents a person’s wishes regarding medical treatment should the person be unable to communicate with a doctor. It may also include a living will. It should be filled out when the person is still of sound mind.
You can also work with them to create a healthy diet and exercise routine they are happy with. https://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/advocacy/direct-action/letters-to-editor/main
Discuss Becoming a Local Advocate for Senior Care
Encourage your loved one to provide help for seniors in Philadelphia by becoming an advocate in their community. They can do this by:
- Writing letters to the editors of local papers concerning senior issues in the area. These letters are often read by members of Congress.
- Going to town meetings: Seniors can attend town meetings and discuss senior issues. Alternatively, they can meet with local politicians privately at state and county fairs.
- Starting a Nonprofit: Seniors may consider starting a nonprofit to support senior-related causes.
Hire a Home Aide
Many seniors are reluctant to get home care because they feel it reduces their ability to age with dignity. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.
A health home aid allows seniors to maintain their independence. They encourage them to engage in physical and mental activities that improve their health. They help them age in the comfort of their home so they don’t have to check into a hospital or nursing home.
Home care also provides help for seniors in Philadelphia by keeping them from asking for assistance from friends and family. Aides provide them with personal care at home with the utmost care and discretion. They can arrange the home so seniors can independently access the products they need throughout the day.
Many facilities offer help for seniors in Philadelphia, but AmeriBest takes an approach that sets us apart. We carefully assess the individuals we care for, ensuring they get the customized care they require. We find well-trained caregivers suited to your loved one’s needs and personality.
AmeriBest will ensure your loved ages with dignity. Contact us for senior care you can count on.