Assisted living personal aides can offer your loved ones the support, safety, social interaction, and fulfilling lifestyle they deserve. Your senior loved one likely spent much of their life helping provide these things for others, maybe even you. Now, through assisted living in Philadelphia, PA, you can return the favor, ensuring they’re well-cared for and enjoying a physically and mentally rich and convenient lifestyle that suits their unique needs – all from the comfort of their own home.
Benefits of Assisted Living in Philadelphia, PA
In-home assisted living caregivers can tailor their support and services to each person, offering just the right amount of care to largely independent seniors who may need some help with daily tasks.
Help with Routine Needs
Activities of daily living are often one area where seniors may need support. How much support can vary, ranging from bathing to providing meals and offering transport to and from doctor’s appointments. Assisted living caregivers, like those at AmeriBest Home Care, can help coordinate all of these things, providing transportation coordination, aid, and medication management. During the times when you’re unable to provide family caregiving, you can be confident that your loved one is getting the help they need.
Companionship and Stimulation
Continued care isn’t the only benefit of assisted living in Philadelphia, PA. A personal care assistant can provide intellectual stimulation and opportunities to socialize. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, individuals who complete mentally stimulating activities may have a lower risk of cognitive decline. Your loved one’s aid may be able to play games, help them with technology, or even just engage in friendly conversation to make sure they stay mentally engaged and fit.
Socialization is just as important as stimulation. While you and your family probably make every effort to see your loved one as much as possible, having an assisted living caregiver fill in the gaps is excellent for companionship. The transportation caregivers offer is yet another way they can help seniors remain socially active, reducing feelings of isolation.
Active Lifestyle
If some routine activities are challenging for your loved one, they may be less likely to maintain an active lifestyle. However, some studies have found that decreased physical exercise may be associated with increased cognitive decline. Fortunately, assisted living caregivers may be able to make an active lifestyle more convenient and enjoyable. Whether your loved one wants to go for a short walk or engage in some simple stretching, having the knowledge that a trained staff member is supervising them and ready to step in should they need help may make them more likely to get active!
Peace of Mind
Personal care assistants are great for providing family members peace of mind. You can rest assured that your senior is safe and secure. It can be simple things, like checking a smoke detector if there is a low battery warning, or, just the assurance that your loved one isn’t alone.
Perhaps one of the most comforting aspects is that in-home living assistance allows families to stay involved. Top-notch assisted living facilities may be far from your home, sometimes even across state lines. But when you use at-home caregivers, like those at AmeriBest Home Care, your elderly family member can stay right where they are, comfortably at home and close enough for regular visits!
Learn more about the benefits of assisted living for your elderly loved one
AmeriBest Home Care in Philadelphia, PA, is honored to provide support services to elderly loved ones in Philadelphia, PA. If you think your family member could benefit from support or you would like to discuss home care vs senior care communities, contact us. We can review the different types of care available and help you find the perfect fit for your family member. AmeriBest Home Care is available in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Allentown, PA.