Senior Care Tips for Families in Allentown, PA

Senior Care Tips for Families in Allentown, PA

If your loved one receives family senior care in Allentown, PA, you may wonder how you can best support them and yourself as their caregiver. Providing support to elders is an important role that many family members are happy to fulfill, but it isn’t without challenges. If you’ve embraced an at-home family care position for your loved one, here are a few tips that help you give the most compassionate, quality care possible.


Tips for Caring for the Senior in Your Life   

Familial caregiving is such a gift. It allows your elderly or disabled loved one to receive the loving support they need within the comfort of their home. Agencies like AmeriBest Home Care are honored to come alongside family caregivers and provide them with the training and resources they need to excel as a family personal aid. 

Routine Assistance and Daily Care  

Your family member’s needs can vary, ranging from assistance with transportation to help with basic needs like dressing. It’s important to continually assess how much support your loved one requires. While you want to ensure they receive adequate care, especially regarding nutrition, hygiene, and medication management, giving them some autonomy is also crucial. Collaborating with your relative regarding things like meal planning or social activities can help them maintain their sense of independence. 

Companionship and Emotional Support  

Aside from assisting with daily routines, being there for companionship and emotional support is a valuable aspect of family caregiving. Emotional wellbeing is important for their overall health, so take time to check in with them about how they’re feeling. Keep your communication open and honest, showing patience and compassion when they express struggles or concerns. Your mental wellbeing as a personal aide is important too. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, connecting with family caregiver support groups who can listen and empathize can be a worthwhile activity. 

Reach Out for Support and Resources  

Aging and the need for care can take a toll on both caregivers and the individual receiving support. You may experience financial concerns, need professional support, or just want to connect with resources in your area. Fortunately, home care agencies like AmeriBest, and local coalitions on aging, such as your State’s Aging Services Department, are often a wealth of knowledge and resources for family caregivers. 

Financial Considerations and Legal Concerns  

While family caregiving is a wonderful option for most families, it’s important to have a plan in place for long-term care if and when the time comes. Budgeting, deciding advance care directives, and understanding your legal responsibilities should all be discussed before the need arises. An attorney or financial planner can help you get these items squared away so you can continue providing quality care to your loved one without the stress of future planning.


Caring for Yourself as a Caregiver  

Being a family caregiver is undoubtedly rewarding. Still, that doesn’t mean it is without challenges. Take some time for self-care and balance your responsibilities and wellbeing with the support duties given to your loved one. It’s essential to recognize when you’re becoming overwhelmed or stressed and seek support when you need it. Utilizing respite care or a personal aide through a home care agency can help give you a break while ensuring your relative receives the best care possible.

Senior Care Tips for Families


Let Us Help You with Senior Care in Allentown, PA

AmeriBest Home Care is a preferred agency for individuals seeking senior care in Allentown, PA. Not only do we support family caregivers with training, resources, and financial compensation, but we can also step in when needed. Our home care services staff are compassionate, skilled, and able to give you some respite. We are conveniently located in Allentown, Harrisburg, and Philadelphia to assist you with your senior care needs. 

Call us at 1-800-HOMECARE to learn more about how we can help.

Comprehensive Senior Care in Harrisburg, PA: What You Need to Know

Choosing the best care for your elderly loved one is an important decision. There are various options for senior care in Harrisburg, PA, including family caregiving and professional in-home caregiving services. Each option can give your family member the assistance and support they need. However, it’s important to understand the various types of senior care and assess how much help your loved one needs before selecting the best senior care option for your family.


What are the Types of Comprehensive Senior Care in Harrisburg, PA?  

Elder care services can range from transportation to and from appointments to senior living facilities that oversee all aspects of daily routines and wellbeing. Senior care services all aim to provide compassionate support to enhance your loved one’s physical health, emotional wellbeing, and quality of life. However, they can vary in how comprehensive they are.


Home Care Services 

Home care agencies, like AmeriBest Home Care, provide support to elders in the comfort of their own homes. They generally can assist with various aspects of daily living, such as meal preparation, shopping, bathing, transportation coordination, and medication reminders. In addition, home care services can offer companionship when you cannot be with your loved one.


Family Caregiving Services  

Individuals who want to provide quality care for their elderly loved ones can become family caregivers. Often, through a home care service agency, such as AmeriBest Home Care, individuals can receive the training, access to resources, and ongoing support needed to provide home care assistance to their elderly or disabled family members.


Independent Senior Living Facilities  

Independent living facilities can be a great choice for largely independent elders who would rather enjoy engaging in enriching activities than dealing with monotonous tasks like chores. These facilities offer various activities, plenty of social interaction, and freedom from daily hassles.


Assisted Living Facilities 

Assisted living facilities can be just as engaging as independent senior living, but they’re designed for individuals who need a little more support with routine tasks. Most assisted living facilities offer medication management, meal preparation, bathing, dressing, exercise classes, and social clubs.


How to Choose the Best Senior Care 

How do you pick the best senior care option in Harrisburg, PA? Here are a few things to consider.


Assess their needs  

It’s wise to start by assessing the senior’s physical, mental, and social needs. You may want to consider how mobile they are, whether or not they have health or memory concerns, and their interest in maintaining social connections. Working with a healthcare provider can sometimes help you make a quality assessment.


Consider the costs 

Caregiving of all types can come with a variety of costs. For example, assisted living facilities require financial compensation, but studies have also found that family caregivers often spend around 26% of their personal finances to assist with supporting their loved ones. Thankfully, there are usually assistance options for family caregivers and sometimes funding options for other home care services, too.


Think about location, convenience, and family involvement 

One of the biggest benefits of home care services like AmeriBest Home Care is that your senior can stay right where they are. This means you won’t have to travel further to visit them, and the family can stay closely involved in their care and life. If you do choose an independent or assisted living facility, be sure to consider its location and how convenient it will be for your family to visit and stay in constant communication about your loved one’s well being.

Senior Care


Ensure Quality Care with AmeriBest Home Care in Harrisburg, PA 

Ensuring your loved one receives the best quality care from a compassionate, highly trained individual is imperative. AmeriBest is one of the preferred providers of in-home care services in Harrisburg, PA, and the surrounding areas. Our experienced staff offers various services, including medication reminders, transportation, light cleaning, meal preparation, and self-care assistance. We empower seniors by helping them lead more independent lifestyles and provide their family members peace of mind.
We also make care more affordable and comfortable for elderly loved ones by providing training so you can get paid to care for your relatives. We offer benefits, competitive pay, and a supportive environment. AmeriBest is conveniently located in the heart of Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Allentown; contact us to learn more about our Philadelphia home care services.

Understanding the Benefits of Assisted Living for Seniors in Philadelphia, PA

Assisted Living for Seniors

Assisted living personal aides can offer your loved ones the support, safety, social interaction, and fulfilling lifestyle they deserve. Your senior loved one likely spent much of their life helping provide these things for others, maybe even you. Now, through assisted living in Philadelphia, PA, you can return the favor, ensuring they’re well-cared for and enjoying a physically and mentally rich and convenient lifestyle that suits their unique needs – all from the comfort of their own home.


Benefits of Assisted Living in Philadelphia, PA   

In-home assisted living caregivers can tailor their support and services to each person, offering just the right amount of care to largely independent seniors who may need some help with daily tasks.


Help with Routine Needs    

Activities of daily living are often one area where seniors may need support. How much support can vary, ranging from bathing to providing meals and offering transport to and from doctor’s appointments. Assisted living caregivers, like those at AmeriBest Home Care, can help coordinate all of these things, providing transportation coordination, aid, and medication management. During the times when you’re unable to provide family caregiving, you can be confident that your loved one is getting the help they need.


Companionship and Stimulation      

Continued care isn’t the only benefit of assisted living in Philadelphia, PA. A personal care assistant can provide intellectual stimulation and opportunities to socialize. According to the Alzheimer’s Society, individuals who complete mentally stimulating activities may have a lower risk of cognitive decline. Your loved one’s aid may be able to play games, help them with technology, or even just engage in friendly conversation to make sure they stay mentally engaged and fit.
Socialization is just as important as stimulation. While you and your family probably make every effort to see your loved one as much as possible, having an assisted living caregiver fill in the gaps is excellent for companionship. The transportation caregivers offer is yet another way they can help seniors remain socially active, reducing feelings of isolation.


Active Lifestyle    

If some routine activities are challenging for your loved one, they may be less likely to maintain an active lifestyle. However, some studies have found that decreased physical exercise may be associated with increased cognitive decline. Fortunately, assisted living caregivers may be able to make an active lifestyle more convenient and enjoyable. Whether your loved one wants to go for a short walk or engage in some simple stretching, having the knowledge that a trained staff member is supervising them and ready to step in should they need help may make them more likely to get active!


Peace of Mind    

Personal care assistants are great for providing family members peace of mind. You can rest assured that your senior is safe and secure. It can be simple things, like checking a smoke detector if there is a low battery warning, or, just the assurance that your loved one isn’t alone.
Perhaps one of the most comforting aspects is that in-home living assistance allows families to stay involved. Top-notch assisted living facilities may be far from your home, sometimes even across state lines. But when you use at-home caregivers, like those at AmeriBest Home Care, your elderly family member can stay right where they are, comfortably at home and close enough for regular visits!

Support for the elderly


Learn more about the benefits of assisted living for your elderly loved one    

AmeriBest Home Care in Philadelphia, PA, is honored to provide support services to elderly loved ones in Philadelphia, PA. If you think your family member could benefit from support or you would like to discuss home care vs senior care communities, contact us. We can review the different types of care available and help you find the perfect fit for your family member. AmeriBest Home Care is available in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Allentown, PA. 

A Day in the Life of a Personal Care Assistant in Philadelphia

Personal Care Assistant

Are you thinking of getting a personal care aide for your loved one? If so, you may want to know how the caregiver will ensure your loved one’s health and safety. This article will offer a fly-on-the-wall view of the day in the life of a personal care assistant in Philadelphia so you know what to expect.

What is a Day in the Life of a Personal Care Assistant in Philadelphia Like?

The Aide Arrives at Your Loved One’s Residence

Most personal care assistant services will allow you to customize hours to suit your needs. The aide can arrive in the evenings to take over for caregivers who need assistance during the day. They can also schedule daytime visits to cover regular work schedules. Some will care for your loved one throughout the day.

You can even work out a system to provide access to the home so you don’t need to be there when they arrive.

The Aide Starts the Day

A caregiver can create a daily or weekly schedule to offer your loved one comfort and stability. For example, they may know that Friday is a grocery shopping day. Or they may have Mondays reserved for doctor’s appointments.

Caregivers will work out a schedule to ensure necessary tasks are completed. They can remember functions that their clients may forget. They can provide transportation to ensure loved ones arrive at their destinations.  

Regular Tasks

Every day may be different, but many tasks are performed with regularity. They include:

· Medication Reminders: Caregivers will ensure your loved one takes their medication on time to maintain their treatment plans.

· Mealtimes: A personal care aide will assist with meal preparation and feeding. They will ensure your loved one eats healthy meals each day.

· Self-Care: Home aides can assist with self-care like bathing, dressing, and hair-styling.


Caregivers don’t only focus on necessary tasks. They ensure your loved one gets much-needed companionship. 

They engage them in hobbies, talk, and read to them. They teach them how to use social media so they can stay in touch with families and friends. They can also provide transportation to and from social functions.

The Aide Leaves Your Home

The aide leaves your home at the end of the day. If you cannot be there when they leave, they can lock up to ensure your loved one is safe.


Personal Care Assistant


AmeriBest Will Help You Find the Ideal Personal Care Assistant in Philadelphia

AmeriBest is a reputable provider of in-home care services in Philadelphia, PA. Our experienced staff offers various services, including medication reminders, transportation, medication reminders, meal preparation, and self-care assistance. We empower seniors by helping them lead more independent lifestyles.

We also make care more affordable by providing training so loved ones can get paid to care for their elderly relatives. We offer benefits, competitive pay, and a supportive environment. Our services will take the stress off your shoulders.

Contact us to learn more about our Philadelphia personal care assistant services.  


A Breath of Fresh Air: The Impact of Regular House Cleaning on Seniors’ Well-Being in Harrisburg

In-home care encompasses various services. Most caregivers provide light house cleaning for their clients. They will dust, mop, and vacuum to ensure clients enjoy a pleasant living environment.

However, house cleaning services for seniors do much more than improve the household environment. They can reduce stress and anxiety, minimize disease risk, and eliminate trip and fall hazards. They can boost clients’ quality of life. 

AmeriBest’s services include companionship, errands, and light house cleaning for senior Harrisburg residents. Read on to learn what we have to offer.

What are the Benefits of House Cleaning for Seniors in Harrisburg?

Reduces the Risk of Illness

Housecleaning with antibacterial products reduces the spread of germs. It decreases the risk of infections and allergies that can negatively impact senior health. It also prevents them from cleaning and possibly aggravating existing conditions.

Minimized Trip and Fall Risks

Seniors are prone to falling. Most caregivers will look around the home to identify and eliminate fall risks. However, cleaning will allow them to find less obvious risks. They can remove obstacles and keep their clients safe.

Improves Mental Health

Many seniors suffer from mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and loneliness. An unclean household can worsen mental health issues. Seniors may become depressed by a dingy atmosphere or experience anxiety due to clutter.

A caregiver will make the home bright and shiny. They will remove clutter to promote a soothing environment. 

Caregivers also provide companionship to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. They become like family to their clients. The connection they forge solves various mental health issues. 

Better Sleep Quality

Seniors often have difficulty sleeping at night. A soothing environment that minimizes health issues will promote more restful sleep. Improved sleep quality is conducive to high levels of mental and physical health.

Other Services

Caregivers do so much more than housecleaning. They also provide the following services:

· Transportation: Caregivers provide transportation for clients. They can take them to doctor’s appointments, help them run errands, and accompany them on social visits.

· Meal Prep: Home aides can assist with meal prep. They will ensure seniors eat healthy meals regularly.

· Companionship: Caregivers will talk to seniors, listen to their stories, and help them engage in hobbies so they enjoy a higher level of mental health.

· Pet Care: Many seniors have pet companions, but some cannot fully care for their pets. In-home aides can lend a helping hand.

· Self-Care Assistance: Aides can help with self-care tasks like bathing, haircare, and bathroom trips.

House Cleaning for Seniors

AmeriBest Can Assist with House Cleaning for Seniors in Harrisburg

Spring is right around the corner. It’s the perfect time to think about senior home cleaning. AmeriBest will ensure your loved one’s home stays neat and germ-free.

We provide various services that improve physical and mental health. We offer companionship, meal preparation, transportation, self-care assistance, and more. We also train family members so they can get paid to care for elderly relatives.

Contact us to learn more about our cleaning services for the elderly and the many ways we can improve your loved one’s quality of life.


How to Get Care and Help at Home in Philadelphia, PA

Help at Home

Finding the right help at home care in Philadelphia, PA, is pivotal in enhancing the quality of life for individuals needing support. Navigating the options for home care can seem overwhelming, but understanding your choices and knowing where to look can make a significant difference. This is true whether the need is for elderly care, assistance for individuals with disabilities, or support during recovery after hospitalization. In Philadelphia, suitable and compassionate home care services are readily accessible to meet these diverse needs.

Identifying Your Home Care Needs

Understanding the specific needs of the individual requiring care is the first step in finding the right help for you and your loved one’s home care needs. This process involves an evaluation of both medical and non-medical requirements.

  • Medical Needs: For those with medical conditions or disabilities, it’s important to determine the level of medical care required. This can range from medication management and wound care to more complex medical procedures.
  • Daily Living Assistance: Assessing the need for assistance with daily activities like bathing, dressing, meal preparation, and mobility is essential.
  • Emotional and Social Support: Consider the emotional and social needs, such as companionship, engagement in activities, and support for mental well-being.
  • Specialized Care Needs: If the individual has conditions like Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, specialized care that caters to these needs is crucial.
  • Safety and Accessibility: Evaluating the home environment for safety and accessibility and making necessary modifications to accommodate mobility issues or other physical limitations.

By thoroughly assessing these areas, families and caregivers can better understand the scope of care needed, leading to more effective and personalized home care solutions.

Exploring Home Care Services

When exploring home care services in Philadelphia, it’s important to consider the diverse range of options available to cater to individual needs and preferences. These services can broadly be categorized into:

  • Non-medical Home Care: This includes assistance with daily activities like cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene, and shopping. Ideal for individuals who need support with routine tasks but don’t require medical care.
  • Skilled Nursing Care: For those requiring medical attention at home, skilled nursing services offer care from licensed nurses. This includes wound care, administering medication, and monitoring health conditions.
  • Therapy Services: Home-based therapy services such as physical, occupational, and speech therapy help individuals recover or maintain their functional abilities.
  • Specialized Care Services: Tailored to specific conditions like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, these services provide specialized care focusing on the unique needs of the individual.
  • Respite Care: Offering temporary relief to family caregivers, respite care services ensure the individual receives professional care while giving family members a much-needed break.

Each of these services is designed to maintain the individual’s comfort and dignity while providing essential care. It’s crucial to assess the level of care needed and to choose a provider that aligns with these requirements. Additionally, considering the caregiver’s experience, training, and compatibility with the care recipient can lead to a more successful and satisfying home care experience.

Understanding Funding and Insurance Coverage

Funding for home care can come from various sources, including private insurance, Medicaid, or out-of-pocket payments. It’s important to understand what your insurance covers and what additional resources might be available.

  • Medicare and Medicaid: These federal programs can provide coverage for certain in-home care services, especially for those with limited income and resources. It’s important to understand the specific types of care covered under each program.
  • Local Assistance Programs: Pennsylvania offers a wide array of local programs and non-profit organizations that provide financial aid or subsidized home care services for eligible individuals. These programs often cater to specific groups, such as low-income seniors or individuals with certain medical conditions.
  • Veterans Benefits: Veterans and their spouses may be eligible for benefits that can help cover the cost of in-home care. The Veterans Administration offers various programs, such as Aid and Attendance, which can be used to pay for home care services.
  • Private Pay: Some individuals may choose to pay out of pocket for home care services. This option offers the most flexibility in choosing providers and services but requires financial planning.
  • Long-term Care Insurance: If you have a long-term care insurance policy, it may cover a portion of in-home care costs. Review your policy’s terms to understand the extent of coverage and any limitations.
  • Sliding Scale Fees: Some home care agencies in Philadelphia offer sliding scale fees based on income, making services more affordable for those with lower incomes.

Understanding the nuances of these funding sources can significantly impact the affordability and accessibility of in-home care services in Philadelphia. When exploring these options, AmeriBest can help, offering guidance and helping you navigate the journey of caregiving. 

Choosing the Right Home Care Provider

In selecting a home care provider in Philadelphia, consider a few important factors. Look into the provider’s community reputation by checking their history and client feedback. The qualifications and training of the caregiving staff are also relevant for ensuring adequate care.

It’s also useful to check the variety of services the provider offers to match them with the care recipient’s needs. Providers knowledgeable about Philadelphia’s specific cultural and community aspects might create a more relatable care environment. This aspect of cultural awareness is beneficial in making care recipients feel more comfortable and respected at home.

Help at Home

Connect With Trusted Help at Home Care in Philadelphia, PA

Choosing the right help with home care is a significant step towards ensuring comfort and enhanced well-being for yourself or your loved ones. AmeriBest Home Care focuses on delivering high-quality care, customized to suit the diverse and individual requirements of each person. Our services are designed not only to meet physical health needs but also to support the emotional well-being of our clients.

If you are considering help at home care in Philadelphia that is both compassionate and professional, AmeriBest Home Care is here to assist you. We are committed to guiding you through the process of home care, offering both our expertise and heartfelt care to ensure the best possible experience for you and your family. Our team is ready to provide support and answer any questions you may have about our services. Call us today at 1-800-HOMECARE to get started!


What home health care is offered to seniors and the disabled in Pennsylvania?

What home health care is offered to seniors and the disabled in Pennsylvania?

Home health care in Pennsylvania is designed to help seniors and people with disabilities live independently and stay in their own homes as long as possible. With home health care, you’ll receive the care you require while having the convenience of remaining in your own home. 

What is Home Health Care in Pennsylvania?

Home health care encompasses several different services, from primary care to skilled nursing. The benefit of choosing home care is that statistically, individuals who receive this kind of care are 5-15% less likely to enter a nursing home or a hospital.

The first step in finding home health care is understanding the available services. Home health care often serves as a way to provide skilled care after a hospitalization, injury, or illness. However, home health care can also be used to help seniors and the disabled continue to maintain their self-sufficiency. 

Home health care can be divided into two main categories: medical and non-medical. The services offered vary within each of these categories. Depending upon your situation, you may need one or the other, or both types of home care. 

Please note: AmeriBest is a non-skilled home care services provider, but we’ll be with you every step of the way, for hours a day, if needed and prescribed by your physician, instead of checking in on you once in a while. Call us at 1800-HOMECARE and ask about the services available!

Medical Home Health Care

Medical home health care, also referred to as skilled home health, is often required after hospitalization or an illness. Types of services offered under the umbrella of medical home health care include: 

  • Skilled Nursing
  • Physical therapy
  • Assistance with medical equipment
  • Wound care for surgical wounds or pressure wounds
  • Injections
  • Intravenous medications
  • Medical oversight of an unstable condition
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy

To get medical home health care, you’ll need the individual’s health care provider to provide orders for services. Your medical home health care team will work directly with the health care provider to keep them up to date on your progress.  

Non-Medical Home Health Care

Non-medical home health care provides a broader level of service that helps provide assistance to help maintain self-sufficiency. Receiving non-medical home care without a doctor’s order will be an out-of-pocket expense. If you need insurance to pay (or even partially pay), you will need to get a doctor’s order to receive non-medical home health care in Pennsylvania. 

Care can be daily for several hours to just a few hours a week, depending on an individual’s needs. Services provided with non-medical home health care include: 

  • Light housekeeping
  • Meal preparation
  • Laundry
  • Bathing
  • Dressing
  • Shopping
  • Companionship
  • Medication reminders
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Coordinating health transportation and care, and more.

Caregivers can work with an individual to maintain the hygiene and safety of their space and make sure individuals are eating properly and taking their medications according to the doctor’s orders. Non-medical home care is an appealing option for seniors and people with disabilities who want to remain in their own homes rather than move to a skilled nursing facility and don’t necessarily need skilled nursing services.

What home health care is offered to seniors and the disabled in Pennsylvania?

Choosing the Right Home Health Care in Pennsylvania for You

When choosing the right home health care for you and your loved ones, you want a team that is qualified to meet your needs and dedicated to providing the best care possible. AmeriBest’s sole focus is helping seniors and people with disabilities in Pennsylvania maintain as much independence as possible by providing non-medical home care from reliable caregivers.

With multiple programs and services available, the AmeriBest Team can help walk you through what’s available to help your loved ones get the right kind of care that will help foster their self-sufficiency and independence. Empower your loved one’s well-being – contact us today to discuss our available services and get paired with one of our compassionate caregivers.  


How to Become a Personal Care Assistant?

Caregivers Philadelphia PA

Becoming a personal care assistant, sometimes known as a personal care attendant, is a rewarding career path filled with opportunities to make a real difference in someone’s life. Personal care assistants provide essential help to people with varying degrees of physical illnesses and health-related responsibilities.

This could be within the comfort of their home, nursing homes, residential care facilities or even adult day care centers. If you’re considering this career path and wondering how to become a personal care assistant or how much you can make, read on.

Understanding Personal Care Assistant Jobs

Personal care assistant jobs involve assisting individuals with their physical needs, personal hygiene, and, in some cases, light housekeeping duties. This typically involves working with elderly, disabled or chronically ill individuals who need help with everyday tasks such as bathing, dressing and meal preparation.

Furthermore, personal care assistants may also provide some level of companionship to those in their care, offering conversation and emotional support. They often work in a client’s home but can also work in institutions like residential care facilities. The daily tasks can be physically challenging and emotionally demanding but can also be rewarding.

The Role And Responsibilities of PCA

1. Personal Care

Personal Care Assistants, a key component of the Healthcare Industry, perform a variety of essential tasks. Their role includes everything from helping clients with personal grooming activities such as bathing and dressing to preparing meals—always keeping dietary restrictions in mind – and assisting with medication reminders. Their presence ensures that individual needs are met, making them a pivotal part of personal care.

2. Mobility Assistance

PCAs, working within the scope of daily living and personal care assistance, may often need to assist individuals with mobility issues. This can involve helping them move around the house, aiding them to get in and out of bed, or accompanying them outside for ambulatory exercises, walks, or medical appointments. Their role is critical in ensuring the everyday mobility needs of those they care for are met in a safe and secure manner.

3. Health Monitoring

Another critical role of a PCA’s basic care is monitoring the client’s health by checking vital signs, observing any changes in behavior or health status, and communicating these findings promptly to the health care provider or family.

4. Household Chores

To make the client’s living space comfortable and safe, PCAs often perform light household duties. This may include cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and even pet care if necessary.

5. Emotional Support

A critical but often overlooked aspect of a PCA’s job is providing emotional support. By building a strong, trusting relationship with clients, PCAs can provide much-needed companionship to those they care for.

6. Recreational Activities

To improve the client’s quality of life, PCAs can assist with or organize recreational activities. These activities may vary from reading, games, gardening, or even accompanying the client to social gatherings.

7. Medication Management

While PCAs are not typically authorized to administer medication, they can help remind clients when it’s time to take their prescribed medication and report any side effects or concerns to the supervising healthcare professional.

8. Care Plan Execution

PCAs follow a personalized medical care plan that a healthcare professional typically develops. The PCA assists in implementing this care plan and regularly updates it according to changes in the client’s condition or preferences.

9. Communication

A PCA often acts as a liaison between the individual they are caring for and their family, healthcare professionals, or nursing assistants. They communicate important updates, changes, or needs that might require professional medical attention.

Personal Care Assistant

What Are the Personal Care Assistant Requirements?


Typically, the minimum education level required is a high school diploma or equivalent. Some states or care facilities, however, may need candidates to have completed certain healthcare-related coursework.


Acquiring the necessary skills to become a personal care assistant often involves basic training. Certain jobs might only demand on-the-job training, but many prospective employers favor those candidates who have undergone formal training. Formal training typically includes understanding basic nutrition, the process of aging, infection control, and providing long-term care.

Once you’ve finished your basic and formal training, make sure to highlight these experiences on your Personal Care Assistant resume.


If you’re wondering how to become a PCA, some positions may require you to earn a certification. This often involves passing a competency exam, which assesses your ability to provide adequate care and assist with daily activities.

Health Exams

Several states mandate health exams or screenings not only to confirm that the assistant is free of communicable diseases but also to check for any chronic illnesses. These mandatory screenings could impact job prospects for some individuals, especially in sectors requiring direct, frequent interaction with other people.

Regardless of the results, it’s important for all workplaces to adhere to universal precautions to safeguard everyone’s health and wellness.

Background Check

As you will be working closely with individuals who may be vulnerable, companies will typically perform a thorough background check.


The average personal care assistant needs a variety of technical skills as well as soft skills. They need to be caring, patient, and understanding. Good communication and problem-solving skills are also a must. In some cases, being able to cook or perform household tasks on top of other personal care assistant duties will be requested.


Gaining relevant experience is a vital step on how to become a personal care assistant. Although it may not always be a prerequisite, some providers show a preference for experience in a related field. This could involve acquiring basic training in direct care, honing caring skills while looking after children, attending to elderly individuals, or assisting those with disabilities.

These experiences in direct care can provide a good foundation on how to become a personal care assistant, as it often relates to handling day-to-day tasks effectively and providing care to patients in a dedicated and compassionate manner.

How Much Does a Personal Care Assistant Make?

The income of a Personal Care Assistant (PCA) can greatly vary and is determined by several factors.

These factors include:

  • Education And Training Standards. Although only a high school diploma or equivalent is generally required, further education, training, or certification can increase your value in the job market and, consequently, your potential earnings.
  • Experience. Like many other professions, experience plays a substantial role in determining a personal assistant’s salary. Assistants with several years of experience, particularly those who specialize in caring for individuals with specific needs, are likely to earn more than newcomers to the field.
  • Size and Setting of the Employer. Personal care assistants who work in large, urban hospitals or long-term care facilities usually receive higher compensation compared to those working in smaller, rural facilities or providing in-home personal care tasks.
  • Location. The region or state where you are working can significantly influence your salary. Typically, states with a high cost of living, like New York or California, pay higher wages compared to states with a lower cost of living.
  • Specialization. PCAs providing specialized care for patients with severe illnesses and disabilities, or those demanding a higher level of skill or knowledge, tend to make a higher wage.
  • Private Clients. Assisting private clients in their own living facilities often leads to higher earnings. Some families choose to hire a PCA privately rather than utilize an agency, and this can result in a higher wage, albeit without the benefits that come with being employed by an agency.

Unlock Your Career In Personal Care Now at AmeriBest Home Care

Being a personal care assistant is undoubtedly a demanding job that requires a good blend of technical and interpersonal skills. However, helping someone maintain their independence and improve their quality of life makes this career incredibly rewarding. No two days are the same in personal care assistant roles, which adds to its appeal for those who strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others each day.

The rewarding nature of this job is hard to match. Beyond providing professional support, you eventually become a critical part of someone’s life. The job requires empathy, resilience, and patience, but the personal satisfaction and benefits you receive can be immense.

If you’re considering this career path and are looking for guidance on providing personal care services, we’re here to help. Whether it’s information on PCA job duties, skills, or employment requirements, we can guide you on the right path. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Navigating the Options: How to Choose the Right Philadelphia Home Care Agency

Right Philadelphia Home Care Agency

When it comes time to get additional care for your loved one, you want to choose a Philadelphia home care agency that offers the very best. But without a reference point, it can be difficult to find the agency best suited to your loved one’s needs. This article will discuss what to look for in a home care provider so you can make the best choice for your loved one.

What to Look for in a Philadelphia Home Care Agency

Service Options

Families must ensure the agency they choose is suited to their loved one’s needs. Some seniors require basic care, such as meal preparation, cleaning, and mobility assistance.

Others have more advanced needs for medical conditions. They may require vital sign monitoring, medicine administration, and other types of specialized care.

Find out what services the agency offers to ensure they provide the care your loved one requires.


Affordability is not only about the rates the agency charges. Agencies can offer other services that make care more affordable.

For example, they may work with Medicaid to provide government-funded services. They may even train family members so they can get paid to care for loved ones.

Families should also look for agencies that accept their insurance and offer private pay plans that allow relatives to split the bill.

Skilled Workers

Find out about caregiver skill level. Do the aides receive ongoing training? Are they required to hold a certification to perform certain tasks?

A skilled caregiver is more likely to provide your loved one with the care and attention they require.

Referrals, Reviews, and Recommendations

Modern technology makes it possible to look online and learn about the level of service a Philadelphia home care agency provides. Research reviews and customer ratings. Determine if you feel the agency will be the right fit for your loved one.

Ask friends and family if they have an agency they would recommend. They may provide a trusted opinion.

You can also ask the agency if they can put you in touch with past and current clients. They will provide insight into the agency’s quality of service.

Caring, Compassionate Caregivers

It can be difficult to determine whether caregivers are caring and compassionate until you work with them. However, if you meet with the agency and staff, you will get an idea of their level of empathy and understanding. Your gut will tell you whether they will provide the loving care your senior relative deserves.

AmeriBest is a Preferred Philadelphia Home Care Agency

You can spend hours, days, or weeks navigating your home care options or save yourself time by choosing AmeriBest first. AmeriBest has been rated one of Pennsylvania’s top five home care agencies. We take a patient-centric approach, ensuring each client receives the personalized care they deserve.

We make care more affordable by allowing family members to get paid for caregiving. We offer competitive pay and an impressive benefits package. Caregivers train in a team-oriented, collaborative environment.

Contact us for all your loved one’s home care needs.  


Unlocking the Benefits: Understanding Medicare Coverage for Home Care in Philadelphia

Medicare Coverage for Home Care in Philadelphia

When your loved one needs more excellent care, finding a way to care for them at home can be the most comfortable option. Many times, home care is also more affordable than enrolling your loved ones in a long-term care facility. While more affordable, it still can place a financial burden upon the individual who needs care and the caregiver. Luckily, Medicare in Philadelphia, PA, offers coverage for these services to ensure equal access to care for all!

Medicare offers a variety of programs that cover home care for Philadelphians. AmeriBest Home Care Philadelphia wants to help you understand the available programs and eligibility for home care services. 

Original Medicare

If you are already eligible for Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B, or a combination of the two, then specific home health services are available in the case that you require part-time skilled nursing and have trouble leaving home or that leaving home is not recommended, given the individual’s condition. 

Medicare Advantage

Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, offers more flexibility in terms of home health services in Philadelphia. Because Medicare Advantage is issued through approved private insurance companies, available services will vary based on the plan. Call your plan provider to determine what home health services are available to you.  

Medicare Home Care Services

Medicare in Philadelphia, PA, covers home health care services that are deemed reasonable and necessary based on the individual’s diagnosis. Your provider will determine the care required. Included services may include: 

  • Intermittent skilled nursing care
  • Physical therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Home health aide services 
  • Personal care
  • Social services
  • Medical supplies

While your provider will make the original determination of what should be included in your care plan, your home health agency will perform an initial assessment to determine if any adjustments are needed. The home health agency you work with will routinely assess the individual’s needs and communicate any changes in their condition to the provider. 

Medicare Home Care Eligibility

While you may be qualified for Medicare, there are specific criteria for receiving home health benefits. Most importantly, your health provider certifies that you need home health services as part of your care plan. Other eligibility requirements include: 

  • A need for part-time skilled nursing, physical therapy, and/or home health aide services
  • The use of a Medicare-certified home health agency 
  • Your provider certifies that you are homebound
  • A face-to-face appointment with the individual receiving care within a predetermined time frame. 

AmeriBest Home Care - 2021 Resolutions for Seniors and Their Caregivers

Certified Medicare Home Care

To receive home care services from Medicare in Philadelphia, PA, you will need to work with a home health agency that is Medicare-certified. 

AmeriBest Home Care Philadelphia is a high-quality, non-skilled, Medicare-certified home care service working with families in the Greater Philadelphia area. We work with many insurance companies, including Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage. 

Our staff is trained to help your loved one feel comfortable at home despite any long-term conditions or disabilities. Contact us to learn more about the home care services we offer and get the care and support that you need and deserve.Â