Though no one wants to discuss the legal aspect of caregiving and the end of life, this subject matter is quite important. The bottom line is it is only a matter of time until you and the senior citizen or adult son/daughter sit down to discuss the legal component of caregiving and death. It is important that these discussions zero in on the nuances of estate planning in Philadelphia. Let’s take a quick look at some key areas to highlight during this discussion.
Estate Planning With a Will
Though you or your loved one are certainly empowered to create a will in a DIY (do it yourself) manner, doing so has the potential to backfire in a big way. There is no reason to run the risk of your will being invalidated by a judge or challenged by a family member when a Philadelphia estate planning attorney is available to craft a detailed will suited to your nuanced financial picture and desires.
This is the time to review your assets as well as your financial obligations with your estate planning attorney and loved ones. Determine how you would like your assets to be distributed, sign your will, and you will finally rest easy knowing your hard-earned money, home, vehicle, investments, and other assets are distributed to beneficiaries exactly as desired. Be sure to update your will as major life events unfold to ensure it is completely accurate.
Plan for the Worst, Hope for the Best
The worst possible scenario is your health declining to the point that you are no longer capable of taking care of yourself and your property. You deserve better than a small room in a nursing home where you might be neglected or abused. Opt for home care services and you will have the essential assistance you need to be provided by truly caring individuals in the comfort of your home. Do your research on Philadelphia home care service providers today and you will enjoy invaluable peace of mind knowing someone will be available to lend vitally important assistance when you need it the most.
Create a Durable Power of Attorney
A durable power of attorney is a document that provides legal powers to a specific individual on behalf of the senior citizen. This legal tool is effective as soon as it is signed. Furthermore, if you become physically disabled or mentally incompetent, the durable power of attorney will still be a valid legal document. This tool grants powers pertaining to the senior’s financial decisions, banking, real estate, government benefits, and other important matters to a family member or friend who can be trusted to make fair and logical decisions.
A Living Trust
Living trusts are legal documents that empower an individual, known as a trustor or grantor, to form a trust and subsequently name a trustee to manage the assets within the trust. This management occurs when the trustor is no longer capable of managing his or her finances. Trustees can be a person or a financial institution.
Advance Directives
Advance directives are specific instructions pertaining to a senior’s preferences for medical care. Advance directives range from living wills to health care proxies, health care power of attorneys, and do not resuscitate directions. Advance directives should be prepared well ahead of the point at which you or your loved one need home care or nursing home care.
Contact Ameribest Today
Ameribest is proud to provide home care services, occupational therapy, physical therapy, skilled nursing, and additional services that make a meaningful difference for Philadelphia-area patients. If you or a loved one can benefit from home care or other Ameribest services, reach out to us today to learn more about our team. You can reach Ameribest by dialing 215-925-3313. If you prefer to contact us online, fill out our contact form or send an email to us at info@ameribest.org.