Turn on the nightly news and you are sure to hear mention of the Delta variant of COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. AmeriBest Home Care is proud to provide PPE, medical supplies, and ongoing support to our caregivers during this difficult time. We go to great lengths to ensure each of our Philadelphia homecare providers is healthy and perfectly safe to be around. Between disinfecting, social distancing, and testing, AmeriBest has implemented extensive measures to protect our team and our clients.
Recognize the Threat That Is the Delta Variant
The masses ditched their face masks earlier this summer, declaring the pandemic to be over. Unfortunately, those masks will likely be put back on due to the rise of the Delta variant. There is the potential for COVID-19 to morph into even more variants in the days, weeks, and months ahead.
Delta is a major problem as it is highly contagious. Delta is more contagious than the common cold. Furthermore, Delta is even more contagious than Ebola, SARS, MERS, and influenza. The latest information indicates Delta is also just as contagious as chickenpox. The variant has become the predominant variant in the United States, meaning it is in the Philadelphia community and also surrounding communities.
Who Is Feeling Delta’s Wrath the Most?
The unvaccinated are in Delta’s crosshairs. Those who have not yet received the vaccine jab are much more likely to suffer serious illness, be hospitalized, and pass away after contracting the Delta variant than those who are fully vaccinated. Though the vaccinated can transmit the Delta variant, the CDC does not believe the vaccinated can transmit other variants.
Delta Might Cause a Hyperlocal Outbreak
Delta has the potential to accelerate the ongoing pandemic as it is highly transmissible. Those living in dense urban areas where practicing social distancing is challenging and those in areas with minimal vaccination might experience a hyperlocalized outbreak. Such outbreaks are likely to be that much more common in areas with low vaccination rates that are surrounded by areas with comparably high vaccination rates. In other words, such hyperlocal outbreaks might generate some COVID hotspots throughout the United States.
Delta Continues To Reveal New Information
The puzzle of the Delta variant is still being put together by the brightest minds in the medical industry. Scientists are unsure if Delta causes more significant sickness than the original version of the virus. A study conducted in Scotland states the Delta variant is two times more likely to cause hospitalization in unvaccinated people than the Alpha variant. However, other data shows the variant is unlikely to cause the hospitalization of the unvaccinated.
The medical community is also continuing to learn more about the symptoms of the Delta variant. It appears as though losing the sense of smell and frequently coughing are not as common of symptoms as occur with the original virus. Data stemming from the United Kingdom, where Delta wreaked havoc, shows that headaches, fever, runny noses, and sore throats are the most common symptoms.
AmeriBest Home Care Philadelphia Is at Your Service
If you or a loved one can benefit from home care in Philadelphia, reach out to us today. Our Philadelphia home care agency provides home and community-based services, home health aides, skilled nursing, physical therapy, and more. You can reach us by dialing 215-925-3313.