Make the Most of Life with these 3 Summer Activities for Caregivers

Make the Most of Life with these 3 Summer Activities for Caregivers - AmeriBest Home Care

When you’re busy caring for someone else, it’s easy to forget about yourself.
But you matter too!

And the sunny, lazy days of summer are the perfect time to catch up on some me-time.

Begin by making a list. Think of all the new things you want to start, all the old things you want to finish, and all the things you’ve always wished you were but didn’t have the time to be.

Then start checking them off one by one. By the end of the summer, you’ll be a new you, a happier you, and the you, you always wanted to be.

And to get you started here’s an easy 3-point checklist to help you make the most of your summertime.

Read two new books

Need a little inspiration? Read some new stories that light your spark and get you rolling on the road to a better life this summer. Choose just two books whose journeys call to you, and read away. Maybe you need a pick me up from the hard work of caregiving. Or maybe you want to read caregiving stories of others just like you. Whichever you need, you can find it in a book.

This can also be where you finally get around to those books on your shelf you’ve always wanted to read but just never did. Or, this can be when you make time for some new books you’ve never heard of before.

Whatever the case may be, reading just two books is an easy, yet productive goal.

Business concept, ideas, books and exercise book on a wooden background with pencils

Write down your story

Everyone’s got a story. Whether it’s about you or your loved one, everyone has something they’ve always wanted to write down and share with others.

So, now’s your chance.
Write down your life’s journey, struggles, and maybe how you became a caregiver. Share your story with others so that they can gain inspiration from you. So they can feel that they’re not alone.

This can also be a great activity to do with your senior. Together, the two of you can craft and write your stories together, laughing and bonding over shared memories that make you smile.

Finish something old

Sometimes, starting something new can be overwhelming.
Where do you start? How do you start? Should you even start?

Sit back and take a breath. Because you don’t have to start new things to feel productive or changed. Instead, look to old things you never finished, but wished you had, and get working.

Picking up old projects and finally finishing them can be just as cathartic and relaxing, if not more, than starting something new. And you might even get rid of some old piles of unfinished odds and ends that have been sitting around in the attic for who knows how long.

A win-win for everyone.
So, this summer spend your time doing things that make you happy and feel accomplished. And walk away into the fall feeling like a better, more refreshed you.

It’s Time for A Break: Caregiver Vacation Tips

Caregiver Vacation Tips - AmeriBest Home Care

It’s almost summer, and you know what that means… vacation time!

Caregiving is hard work. So, it’s important to give yourself time off to rejuvenate and unwind. This way, when you get back to work, you’ll be ready to get back at it with some pep in your step.

Now, as a caregiver, you’ll know that things don’t just stop moving the moment you go on vacation. Life goes on, and the people in your care continue to need caring.

Often times, this thought prevents caregivers from taking the well-deserved vacations that they need. But don’t let that happen! Because, there are ways around it.

If you’re planning a vacation, here are some tips to make sure everything is safe and sound at home, while you’re away.

Hire backup

The most important thing to arrange before leaving for vacation, is who will be taking care of your loved one in your stead. Although you’ll only be gone for a short time, it’s important to find someone who will take just as good care of your loved one as you do. This means, getting a caregiver who will actively listen to yours and your loved one’s needs, as well as is kind and experienced.

If you’re having trouble finding a caregiver on your own, consider contact-using a home care agency who will do the search for you. At AmeriBest, we match you with top-notch caregivers, who will work hard and do good by you and your loved one.

Portrait Of Female Nurse Wearing Scrubs In Hospital

Make sure the house is stocked

Before taking off, make sure that everything is ready. And we don’t just mean your suitcase.

You’ll want to be certain that the house is fully stocked with everything your loved one might want and need. Of course, if there’s anything your loved one needs while you’re away, your hired substitute caregiver can take care of it. But, if you know that most things are already taken care of before you leave, you’ll feel a lot better about leaving the nest.

Not to mention, only you know what your loved one loves and his or her favorite things. Which means, that you can leave a few nice surprises in the house that will make your loved one happy and know how much you care.

Organize your contact-us info

It’s always a good idea to make sure your loved one or your hired caregiver can reach you easily. So, take the time before you leave to organize your contact-us info. Obviously, you’ll want to leave your regular cell or the overseas number you’ll be using. But it’s also smart to leave hotel contact-us info as well.

Leave your loved one a list with the names of the hotels you’ll be staying at, as well as the hotel numbers. This will leave your loved one feeling safe and relaxed, because they’ll know that they can easily reach you if the need should arise.

Plus, it might be fun to chat and catch up on all the vacation happenings.

Movies for Caregiving – Add It to Your Watch List!

Movies for Caregiving - AmeriBest Home Care

When you’re busy being a caregiver, life can get a little hectic. Between house tasks, errands for your loved one, family matters, and career work, it can be hard to find a moment to breathe.

But for your own mental and physical health- it’s important to press pause, and take a moment to relax, and have a little fun. Before you tire out.

And what better way to do so, then sitting back in the comfort of your own home (maybe even with some popcorn and a drink) and watch a movie?

Though we often just think of movies as a silly means of entertainment, movies actually have the power to affect our moods and emotions in ways that can really help. Movies give us more to think about, stories to relate to, and characters to make us laugh with.

And there are movies for all types of occasions and moods.
Here are some great movies to add to your watch list, for all different occasions as a caregiver.

A little support…

Sometimes watching other caregiving stories can be just the antidote when you’re feeling down or alone. These three caregiving movies show us, that as caregivers, we are not alone. And that there are others who understand the stress and emotional toll caregivers go through.

Our heart-warming movie recommendations:

  • The Theory of Everything
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • Still Alice

Music for your loved ones…

It’s been known for a while that music actually has the ability to jog memories and physical reactions, particularly with patients of dementia and/or Alzheimer’s.

If you’re having a movie night with your senior, try something a little old and a little musical. If you know a movie they really loved as a child, give it a try! It might be just the thing to brighten their day.

Our musical-movie recommendations:

  • Westside Story
  • South Pacific
  • Sound of Music
  • The Music Man
  • My Fair Lady
  • Guys and Dolls

Black family eating popcorn while watching movie at home

Something to lift your mood…

Comedy is an amazing thing. It’s able to make us roll with laughter, even when we weren’t in the greatest mood to start with. If there’s been some tension in the house, watching a comedy with the whole family, or just with your loved senior, could be the thing to relieve the strain.

Our comedy recommendations:

  • The Princess Bride
  • Ghost Busters
  • Mrs. Doubtfire
  • My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Something to inspire you…

Lastly, when you’re feeling a little stuck in the monotony of life’s daily chores- a movie with a heroic character or tale of perseverance can really be the thing to get you unstuck.
We all have peaks and dips in our productivity and motivation. And a good movie can help us out of a dip and back on the track we’re aiming for.

Our inspiration recommendations:

  • A Beautiful Mind
  • Forest Gump
  • Dead Poets’ Society
  • Good Will Hunting
  • Life of Pi

Countering the Stress and Reaping the Benefits

Countering the Stress and Reaping the Benefits - AmeriBest Home Care

Caring for a loved one can be tough.

And finding the right balance between taking care of your own needs and taking care of your loved ones’ need, is the hardest part.

That’s why so many caregivers find themselves running out of steam and out of spirit. They exert so much energy racing around between work, family, and personal activities –trying to make it all work just right –they eventually burn themselves out.

And that takes an emotional toll not just on the caregiver, but also on the loved one. Because our loved ones know when we’re stressed. They know when we’re exhausted, and they know when they’re part of the cause. Which makes them unhappy, too.

It’s an unfortunate cycle.

Luckily- it doesn’t have to be that way!
Caregiving doesn’t have to be a chore; it can be a passion, kindness, and a career.

When you become a professional caregiver with AmeriBest Home Care, we help you strike the balance you need to make you and your loved one happy.

Here are just some of the many benefits of becoming a professional caregiver.

Making Bank

For most caregivers, the biggest emotional toll is stress from finances. How do you take care of your loved one while also making enough money to do so? The anxiety of working all day in order to support yourself and your loved one, and then spending all night actually taking care of your loved one is difficult for anyone to handle.

That’s where professional caregiving comes in. When you sign up with AmeriBest Home Care to become a registered caregiver- you get PAID to CAREGIVE.

Yes, that’s right. You heard us correctly: becoming a professional caregiver allows you to get paid for what you’re already doing!

Fulfilling Career Goals

Becoming a professional caregiver isn’t just a one-time duty- it’s a career. When you sign up with AmeriBest, we won’t just leave you to figure things out on your own. We’ll teach you all you need to know to be the best caregiver you can be. Then, we’ll help you out onto the field, and get you set up to caregive.

When caregiving is your career, you’re not just helping your loved ones, you’re helping yourself too.

Smiling carer with senior in rest home

 Getting Support

When you’re caring for a loved one on your own, one of the most tiresome things is not having the support you need- whether this be emotional, mental, or physical.

But, as a professional caregiver with AmeriBest Home Care, we make sure you always have the support you need. Our friendly staff is always there to give you an extra hand when you have questions. And our mentors are there to guide you through it all.

With AmeriBest, you’re not just working alone- you’re working with a family and a network. You’re working with a full support group that backs you every step of the way.

Everyone needs a little bit of help. Even caregivers.

Caregiving is Hard- Give Yourself a Break

Give Yourself a Break - AmeriBest Home Care

Being a caregiver is a wonderful opportunity.
It’s a role that allows you to finally give back to your loved ones, make them happy, and watch them enjoy life.

But, it’s also a role that can be tiring, and a little difficult at times. Because being someone’s sole caregiver is full time job. And that can be hard to manage when you’ve got your actual full-time job to attend to and your own family to take care of.

Many caregivers think the solution to managing both their own life and their senior’s life, is to push themselves even harder; to spend less time leisurely, and more time running around. But this strategy can be detrimental to both your and your family’s health. Because it will eventually just wear you out.

The real solution to managing both your own life and your senior’s, is to make sure you take breaks and give yourself the rest you need. The real key to being a good caregiver, is knowing when to let yourself have some time off to recuperate and refresh. It’s extremely important to notice the signs of fatigue before the real fatigue hits, and give yourself time to rejuvenate.

If you’re feeling energized you’ll do a better job at, well, everything. You’ll be happier, healthier, and your loved senior will be better off knowing you’re doing well.

So, how does one strike this critical balance? How does one attentively care-give, while also watching their own personal health?

Providing care for elderly

Ask for help!

Premium Homecare to the Rescue

Hiring homecare assistance gives you time to rest while making sure your senior is getting everything he or she needs. You can hire experienced nurses to watch over your senior on the regular. Or, you can hire trained assistants to stay with them just when you want a vacation.

Either route you choose, will give you the extra time you need to keep yourself going strong. No one works well when they’re burned out. But by getting yourself some extra help, you’re giving yourself time to relax and time to keep from tiring yourself out. This way, when you do spend time caregiving, you’ll be able to do it happily and with your best efforts.

Contacting a Homecare Agency for Help

When you call up a homecare agency for help, they’ll offer a wide range of services for you and your senior.

At AmeriBest we offer all kinds of services from physical therapy, to housekeeping, to transportation, to occupational therapy, and more. Our nurses and practitioners are all well trained and experienced to give you the help you need.

We cherish your and your senior’s health and happiness, at AmeriBest. When you hire an AmeriBest nurse or assistant, you’re hiring more than just a nameless face- you’re hiring a friend that cares. You’re hiring someone that’s going to give you the little bit of extra help you need to keep both you and your senior enjoying life, love, and good times.